小說 漁人 情節成真 AIDA將在日本舉辦世界自潛競賽
說來還真不好意思,大約一年前,我曾經和自潛界有名的『Sebastian Naslund』通過信,當時我想翻譯他的一篇關於潛水昏迷施救的文章,因此特地寫信給他,他當下欣然同意,沒想到之後我有許多私人的事情接踵而來,再加上他那篇文章真的是有夠給他長的,因此翻到一半被我擱置了,那一陣子我和他有過幾次通信,閒談一下關於自由潛水的事情,後來他曾經主動問起翻譯進度,我竟然還厚臉皮的跟他說抱歉最近我忙,那次之後就再也沒通過信了(我羞於見人)。今天我又收到他的信,他告訴我日本AIDA將在Okinawa舉辦今年的自由潛水競賽.................
For the first time in Asia, the world championship in team freediving.
Every second year A.I.D.A international organizes the team world championship in freediving. The most prestigious freediving event of the year gathering the worlds best teams. This year Japan will host the event.
This ten day event starting 30th June will be held of the Maede cape in Okinawa in waters with up to 30 meters visibility. The competition consist of performances in three disciplines: depth, distance and time. Each of the three team athletes perform in all three disciplines and the nine results are added in to total points.
漁人 第十一話 對話自由
For the first time in Asia, the world championship in team freediving.
Every second year A.I.D.A international organizes the team world championship in freediving. The most prestigious freediving event of the year gathering the worlds best teams. This year Japan will host the event.
This ten day event starting 30th June will be held of the Maede cape in Okinawa in waters with up to 30 meters visibility. The competition consist of performances in three disciplines: depth, distance and time. Each of the three team athletes perform in all three disciplines and the nine results are added in to total points.
漁人 第十一話 對話自由